The Beginners Guide to Social Media - Part 1

Why use Social Media?

The most common question we get as a digital marketing agency is: “How can social media possibly help my business?”

The answer is there is a huge variety of ways in which social media can expand your business.

Everybody else is using social Media

User numbers on social media are phenomenal. Popular social media sites such as Facebook (which has almost 2 BILLION active users) are essential when it comes to maintaining a relationship with existing customers and reaching new customers. Your target audience is looking on social media every day. Is your business being seen?

But Isn’t Social Media Just a Fad?

With users on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn increasing every day, it’s safe to say social media isn’t going anywhere any time soon and the need for businesses to have a social media presence also increases every day. Take a look at the statistic below if you don’t believe us!

Social Media Tools

There are specific tools at your disposal on social media which will help your business engage with a larger audience and make it easier for you to communicate with your existing audience.

·         Your posts

You can communicate with your followers on a regular basis. Any engagement (comments/likes/shares) will increase the visibility of you corporate messaging exponentially.


-          Hashtags

Hashtags are used primarily on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Hashtags categorise your content which can then be found easily by your potential customers who can search for relevant content. The most popular news items often ‘trend’ meaning they are perfect for driving attention towards a specific topic, product or event- and you can join in the conversation!

·         Tagging

Social media sites often allow users to tag others in their posts. If you mention a company or individual in your posts, they will be notified, in order for them to respond.

If mentioned by other users, this will also allow a wider audience to see you and your business


-          Networking hours

Networking hours are online events, which allow businesses (sometimes from similar industries) to interact and promote each other. These are great opportunities to create long lasting relationships, just as you would in real life. The recommendations will come flooding in!


To find out more about how social media can help your business read part two or contact us.

To find out more about why you should use social media and how to use it for your business, see part 2.