The Beginners Guide to Social Media – Part 2

If you missed part 1, you can go back and read it here.

So now we’ve covered why we use social media and what social media can offer us, we’ll now be covering the specific ways your business can expand online.

·         Your Content

Having a steady stream of reliable and interesting content to share on social media platforms helps build a positive reputation for your business and increases engagement with customers on social media. After all, customers aren’t going to want to see the same business posts over and over. Having a regularly updated blog page or gallery ensures your customers and potential customers recognise your business as innovative and interesting. Don’t forget to use images, links and hashtags to increase engagement!

·         3rd Party Content

Using the search function, looking through your timeline or simply sharing an article you stumbled upon with your morning coffee, you should be able to find relevant news from other sites. Sharing 3rd party content related to your industry shows your customers that you’re up to date and adding your own thoughts on the days happenings can show how you are a knowledgeable ‘opinion leader’ in your field

·         Networking

Following others in your industry also allows you to promote yourself, as it also allows you to fill your timeline with easily accessible relevant information. Networking also allows you to build relationships with said business which in turn increases your chance of being recommended by them to potential customers.

·         Notifications

Notifications are a crucial factor of social media marketing. Notifications are essentially how customers are engaging with your posts and are an extremely effective way of measuring how successful your posts are. It is essential to interact with customers on social media, this can range from simply answering customer enquiries to just casually chatting or liking customers posts, by doing this you are showing your audience that your business is engaged and willing to listen to its customers.

Still confused by social media? Contact us for more information on how we can help your business grow online.