Looking Forward: The Future of Social-Media

As it is nearing the end of another year (we can’t believe it either!) we take you through what we expect to see happen on Social-Media in 2022.


Every year, Social Media changes and adapts, ultimately becoming more important in our lives.


Our predictions for the following year reflect on what has become popular and useful recently, and what we, therefore, expect to see in the coming year.


Short-Form Content takes over

There’s a bit of a debate as to whether long-form content will make a comeback on Social-Media, especially following TikTok’s decision to extend videos up to 3 minutes long instead of the initial 15 seconds, and Instagram has followed suit, increasing reel length to 60 seconds, and more.


However, this is still not long-form content in the traditional sense, as shown by some YouTube videos. Even YouTube themselves introduced ‘YouTube shorts’ in early 2021. Although there is something to be said for popular social media platforms feeling it necessary to give creators extra time, it is still short-form content that will maintain its usefulness for many in 2022.


This is undeniably because of the success of TikTok first and foremost.


TikTok and Short-Form Content

Tik-Tok celebrated hitting 1 billion monthly active users in September this year (2021), and if you remove messaging apps, it is already the 4th largest social platform. Its potential is infinite, and gives creators and businesses tools to create quick, accessible content.


Just why has TikTok become so popular?

We’ve spoken about TikTok before – and we’re likely to again. The key to its popularity seems to be, amongst many, the idea of authenticity. A lot of Tik-Tok videos have a lo-fi, homemade feel to them, which comes across more authentic, and personal. In-fact, 79% of users said they find the content on TikTok to be unique and different. There’s also a sense of community 84% of users come across content they relate to.


The appeal of short form-content, delivering information in a quick and snappy nature, is clear. Video can be incredibly interactive, and there’s clearly something about TikTok that makes most users feel as if they too could harness its potential.


An E-Commerce Focus of Facebook and Instagram

TikTok has recently embraced social e-commerce, which we predict will be increasingly seen on Facebook and Instagram. Essentially, ‘in-platform purchases’ are opportunities to purchase items as soon as you’ve seen the product on social media, which I am sure you will have already seen in the last year when scrolling down your timeline.

For many businesses, this is a no-brainer and encourages more engagement to your social media profiles and website.


Influencer Marketing


Influencers have become more prominent over the last few years, and influencer marketing is only going to grow further. Social Media apps like Instagram and TikTok are shaped by influencers, and for a lot of businesses, including influencer marketing in your strategy will be useful.


Influencers essentially endorse a brand, using or wearing it, then reviewing it and providing insight to audiences. This gives a personal touch to advertisements and reaches consumers in a different way than a typical advertisement. It is not so surprising that over 70% of marketers agree the quality of customers and traffic from influencer marketing is better than other forms of marketing.


The Future of Social-Media

Short-Form Content, TikTok for Business, An E-Commerce Focus on Social-Media Apps, and Influencer Marketing are likely to become more prominent on Social-Media in 2022.


It is important to consult a social media strategist before making any moves in the E-Commerce direction, for example, but we encourage you to try something new in 2022.

By Rozz Cottrell