Visual Storytelling - a Digital Marketing Guide

Social media - getting it right

Social Media is an important marketing tool for business, and when done right can help you reach new customers for a relatively low cost. Businesses nowadays hire a social media specialist, or a whole team of digital marketing experts (like us!) to make sure that their brand messages are being seen by the correct audience.

Visual storytelling is important in social media marketing. It is no longer enough to simply advertise your products or services. Your customers want to see what makes you tick, and why they should choose you over a competitor. So how do you get it right?

Visual Storytelling Tips

1. Use video

This one is top of the list because video is now the most captivating medium to use on social media. Product demos, explainer videos, events, announcements, interviews with the team, recruitment drives… you name it, video can sell it!

2. Use real photographs

Stock images look great for certain things - look at the header images on this website, for example. But for social media posts, your customers will want to see who they are dealing with and what the office culture is like. You could even do a ‘meet the team’ blog series!

3. Create Infographics

Do you have data or research that proves your worth? Showcase it with visually stunning graphics to simply your message, and catch the eye of your target audience.

4. Encourage audience participation

Ask questions, create polls, and find out what makes your customers make key decisions. This will also help with number 5…

5. Know your audience

Look for what social media posts have done well for you in the past. What time is your audience online? All of these things will ensure that your social media content looks tailor-made. Constantly analyse and bear that in mind when using visual storytelling on social media.

If this all seems like to much to carry out, while also running your business, contact us to discuss how to improve your content marketing. It could be website content, blogs, photos and videos for social media. We can take care of a wide range of digital marketing tasks on your behalf.